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Our Exciting New Service ihelp Welcomes 1st Student from Kazakhstan

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    2023-10-08 00:00:00

AoeChinese' new project 'ihelp' welcomes our student--Assemgul, who is coming to study in China from Kazakhstan.

Assemgul is one of our 'Study in China' service students, AoeChinese has succcessfully applied her into bachelor degree of Zhejiang A&F University (浙江农林大学), in the major of Civil Engineering with scholarship. The scholarship covers her first year tuition fee, so she could spend most of her time focusing on studying, exploring Chinese culture and fitting into Chinese society, without the pressure of maintaining tuition fee. Moreover, from the second year, she could apply for more scholarship even with stipend based on her performance and grades.

Assemgul arrived at the late night of 21st September and she also purchased our 'ihelp' services, and AoeChinese went to the airport to receive her and delivered to her university. We provided her with our warm welcome by giving her a welcome package, which includes a bottle of water, a mug and some snacks. Ihelp service helped her refrain from any of nervous or hassle when arriving in China and didn't know what to do. Further, in the next few days, we will help her to acquire Sim card and bank card, as well as guidance to her medical exam.

We sincerely wish her all the best in pursuing academic goals in China successfully and enjoy her stay in China.

ihelp aims to:

  1. Reduce the hassle of new international students arriving in China
  2. Make new students' life in China smooth and at ease
  3. Create a positive image and experience of studying and living in China to new international students

Service package:

i. Admission + Receiving from the Airport + Issuing sim cards + Bank cards + Medical Assistance + Visa Extension

ii. Receiving from the Airport + Issue Sim and Bank Card + Medical + Visa Extension

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